Thermocoupels wire, compensation & extending wire (cable)
As per IES584-1, 2 Standard or ASTM E230 with the goods quality and very best price

Thermocouples wire (class 1, and 2)
Type K (Ni-10Cr vs Ni-3Si) thermocouples wire
Type E (Ni-10Cr vs Cu-45Ni) thermocuoples wire
Type T (Cu vs Cu-45Ni) thermocouples wire
Type J (Fe vs Cu-45Ni) thermocouples wire
Compensation and extending wrie.
Type RC (Cu vs Cu-0.6Ni)
Type SC (Cu vs Cu-0.6Ni)
Type KC (Cu vs Cu-40Ni)
Type KX (Ni-10Cr vs Ni-3Si)
Type EX (Ni-10Cr vs Cu-45Ni)
Type TX (Cu vs Cu-45Ni)
Type JX (Fe vs Cu-45Ni)
All kinds isolation compensation and extending cable. All type can be offered)
You are welcome to contact us for detailed.